Media Center


15 November 2018

Malindo Distributed Two Millions of Eggs for Orphanage, School, and Boarding School

In order to increased animal protein consumption, PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk has been distributed more than two millions of eggs to orphanage, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, boarding school, and nursing home which in various district in West Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi according to Rewin Hanrahan as a Director of PT Malindo Feedmill, Tbk after eggs distribution at Bandung District, April 8th 2017.


He said that the supplies of eggs was a form of Malindo concern to the next generation and as well as  education that egg is one of the animal protein sources which very well to increased intelligence. Furthermore egg is the easiest animal protein sources to processed, have a good taste, and easy to find.


The Eggs Supplies from Malindo was a part of Company CSR Programs which carried out alternately in various place. “We also collaborated with local animal husbandary department so that the distribution can be more effectively, such an orphanage and school which located in district not in the city,” Rewin said.


One of the recipients is Annurahmah Orphanage Foundation at Pameungpeuk, Bandung, which represented by its management H. Dodi Suhendi said that we are very grateful with the help from Malindo. “At the beginning, we don’t believed to received this assistance from Malindo, but it was true. This assistance very helpful for us and for local unfortunate peoples,” Dodi said.  

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