
27 April 2022

Malindo Participates in the Ministry of Agriculture's Farmers Market

PT Malindo Food Delight (MFD) participated in the Ramadan Farmers Market event organized by the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) on 26-28 April 2022 at the Parking Yard of Building B, Ministry of Agriculture, Ragunan, Jakarta.


The Farmers Market was opened by the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo and was also attended by officials from the Ministry of Agriculture. In his speech, the Minister of Agriculture said that the Farmers Market is one of the movements of the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure the availability and stability of 12 main commodities during the month of Ramadan. Farmers’ markets are held regularly every year and not only in Jakarta but also in 34 other provinces. The Minister of Agriculture said that the Farmer’s Market is one proof of stock availability throughout Indonesia, because this event brings together people who need cheap food stocks with local entrepreneurs.


Farmers Market collaborates with UMKM and companies that produce 12 of Indonesia’s main food commodities. Fresh vegetables and fruit, beef, chicken, rice, oil, sugar, and other processed products are available at lower prices in the market.


PT Malindo Food Delight in this Ramadan Farmers Market sells various processed products with the brands Sunny Gold, Ciki Wiki and Sobat at promotional prices. The people who came to shop were very enthusiastic because they got a cheaper price than the market price.

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