
AI Compartement Team Visit Malindo Farm

PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk support the government program that is Indonesia free of Avian Influenza in 2020.


In order to achieve this, the farms in the Group Malindo do compartmentalization of farm units in West Java.


AI compartment is carried out by a team of inspectors from the Directorate of Animal Health and the local Animal Husbandry Department.


Team inspector of which consists of Dr. Ronny Mudigdo, Prof. Wayan Teguh Wibawan, Dr. Agus Wiyono, Soedarmono DVM, Soeparno DVM, Nilma Lubis DVM, Etty Wuryaningsih DVM and Dian Effendi Amd.


AI compartment program was well received by Malindo Group, as control of the SOP that has been applied in the farm.

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